
Returns a list of inventory (granule) information for the requested product. This service is powered by NASA CMR. Spatial query priority is (latitude, longitude), bounding box, then polygon. Temporal priority is date then (julianrange, years)


product The product to find (i.e. MOD09A1, MOD13Q1, MYD11A2, WELDUSSE). Product may also include version, if version parameter is omitted (i.e. MOD09A1.006, MOD13Q1.005, WELDUSSE.001). Also as shortname. True
version The product version. Format may include leading zeros or decimals (i.e. 3, 1.5, 6, 006) 6 False
latitude A latitude value. Positive values are N, negative values are S. Also as lat. False
longitude A longitude value. Positive values are E, negative values are W. Also as lon. False
bbox AOI bounding box lower left longitude, lower left latitude, upper right longitude, upper right latitude. False
polygon Polygon shape search. The values are listed comma separated in longitude latitude order, i.e. lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, lon3, lat3, and so on. False
date Date(s) to search ISO-8601 compliant. Accepts single date or interval with a start and end date. Time information is ignored. Separate multiple dates with a colon(:).Example: 2000-01-01/2015-11-30 False
julianrange A julian day range to search. Repeats for all years in dataset unless year parameter is specified. From 1-366 False
years A year range to search. Used with julianrange. False
return A value to respond with. Alias as response. url url location opendap 1 mm-dd-yyyy dd-mm-yyyy Ayyyyjjj 0 metadataurl browseurl False
page_size The size of return pages. 0 is return all results 0 False
page_num The page number to return. Defaults to page 1 if page_size is not 0. False
output The output style for the results. xml xml json html text False







